News Detail


Nov, 2023

2024 Spring Registration Opens 25 Nov!

Tee-Ball coed ages 4 - 6, $145       $120
Coach Pitch coed ages 6 - 8, $155      $130
Minors Baseball coed ages 8 - 11,  $155      $130
Majors Baseball coed ages 10 - 12, $155     $130
Intermediate Baseball coed ages 12 - 13, $190    $165
Junior Baseball coed ages 13 - 14, $190    $165
Senior Baseball coed ages 14-16, $190  $165


Note: All dates are tentative and some dates are weather-dependent

Nov 25 - Registration Opens.        
March 01 - Registration Closes. Late Registration Opens Late Fee $50
March 09 & 16 - Assessments at Bucknell Elementary School (9am - noon) for Coach Pitch, Minor Player-Pitch, and Major Divisions. Players need only attend 1 of the two days.
Week of March 18 - Team Formation and Minors and Majors Division draft. Coaches will contact you during this week
Week of March 25 - Practices begin (weather permitting)
Week of March 25 - FCPS Spring Break
Week of April 01 - Catholic and private school Spring Break
April 13 - Opening Day and Division play begins
April 20 - APLL Day, Team Pictures
May 25-27 - Memorial Day Weekend
June 08 - Closing Day
Week of June 10 - District 9 Tournament games begin
* updated 10-19-2023

Alexandria Potomac Little League

1520 Belle View Blvd, Suite #5551
Alexandria, Virginia 22307

Email: [email protected]