Spring Registration Forms

Note: Please provide a proof of residency (driver's license, voter's registration, utility bills, insurance records)

Scholarships are available but one of the below applications must be submitted.

The T-Mobile Little League Call Up Grant Program is dedicated to helping families in need by covering registration fees associated with their local Little League. T-Mobile and Little League share the belief that every child should have the chance to experience Little League, regardless of their financial or personal situation. This grant program offers a simple-to-use process for getting your child funded and registered to play in APLL. Our goal is to provide families the resources to get and keep kids on the field.


Fairfax County Scholarships Also Available:

Note: Please provide documentation noted on the form or have a school counselor fill out the information located at the  bottom of the form and return to APLL by mail to APLL 1602 Belle View Blvd. #181, Alexandria, VA 22307

If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]

Click here for APLL SAFETY PLAN


Note: All dates are tentative and some dates are weather-dependent

March 10 - Registration Closes. Late Registration Opens Late Fee $50

March 12 - Assessments for Minors & Majors Divisions (ages 9-12)
Week of March 13 – team drafts across all divisions. Coaches will contact you this week
Week of March 21 - practices begin (weather permitting)
Week of April 4-8 - FCPS Spring Break
Wednesday, April 6 - Regular season games begin
Week of April 18-22 - Private School Spring Break
Saturday April 30 - APLL DAY & TEAM PICTURES
May 28-30 - Memorial Day Weekend
June 11 – Closing Day

Fun Tournament and All-Star District 9 Tournaments begin June 17 - July 6

Divisions: 8-10 year olds, 9-11, Little League (10-12), Intermediate Baseball, and Junior League

* updated 02-04-2022

Alexandria Potomac Little League Rules for COVID-19 Safety 

Updated 7/14/2020

These guidelines are designed to limit our children’s and family’s exposure to Covid-19 while participating in in-person activities with APLL. If we all follow these guidelines, we should be successful in allowing youth baseball return to APLL. You and your family’s participation are paramount to our success now more than ever.

APLL Parents, Players, and Volunteers are responsible for enforcing this policy together. Parents are asked to review this policy with players before team functions to make sure that their child or children follow both the policy and its intended purposes. Together we can make this work.


  • Players, Parents, and Volunteers – if you are not feeling well, STAY HOME. If a member of your family tests positive for COVID-19, we ask that you please report this to your team manager and APLL will notify families anonymously that there was potential exposure to a “member of the APLL” community. Anyone directly exposed to COVID-19 should stay home until they receive written clearance by a medical professional. 
  • All families will take their child’s temperature before any APLL in person function. Anyone (spectators, players, and volunteers) with a temperature above 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit may not participate or attend APLL in-person functions. Parents or guardians will be required to report to a designated coach prior to each practice and each game that their child does not have a fever. Prior to games umpires will ask managers if all players are healthy enough to play the game and if all players have been reported by their parents to not have a fever. By participating in an APLL in-person function, parents are certifying that their child does not have a fever, or other COVID-19 symptoms, and is cleared to playEveryone in attendance will maintain a 6-feet distance from any person who is not a member of their immediate family. Any portable shelters (like shade tents) should not be shared by multiple families. Fans and parents should refrain from entering the sections outside of the fenced area of the field that will be used by teams as expanded dugout spaces.  Families should limit the total number of family members attending the game to limit risk. One Little League game will have approximately 30 people participating in the game (22 players, 2 umps, 6 coaches) which leaves a limited number of places for fan attendance. The number of spectators at any event shall not exceed the State of Virginia guidance for open air sports.

A spectator with 
any of the following conditions should not attend a practice or game until evaluated by a medical provider and given clearance to do so: 

Active COVID-19 infection
Known direct contact with an individual testing positive for COVID-19

Those at higher risk for severe disease should consult with their medical provider before attending a game and should strictly adherence to guidelines regarding face coverings, distancing, and handwashing. Such groups include:
Persons with a serious underlying medical condition, including heart disease, morbid obesity, diabetes, lung disease, immunocompromised, chronic kidney disease, and chronic lung disease.Persons residing in a nursing home or long-term care facility. Persons over 65.

ALL field volunteers are required to wear a mask when using rakes and drags, all other attendees (outside of the fence) are required to follow state guidelines for use of a mask. Masks are optional for players while on the field.


  • Players are encouraged (but not required) to have their own individual batter’s glove, helmet, and bat.
  • THERE WILL BE NO SHARING OF EQUIPMENT OF ANY KIND DURING GAMES UNLESS IT IS SANTIZED BY A VOLUNTEER FIRST. Shared equipment will be issued at the start of a game to the player using the equipment and will be cleaned and sanitized before it is issued. The league will make an effort to assign available equipment for events (for example, by assigning league helmets, bats, and catchers gear to the extent available). PLAYERS AND COACHES WILL NOT SPIT, CHEW SUNFLOWER SEEDS OR GUM, OR SHARE BEVERAGE BOTTLES.
  • Players and coaches are required to wash hands and/or use hand sanitizer before taking the field each inning.
  • Coaches and umpires will wear a mask at all times while on the playing field during games or within 10 feet of a player in a practice area.
  • Players, coaches, and umpires should bring their own personal drinks to all activities. Drinks should be labeled with the person’s name. Players should bring individual, pre-packaged food, if they need food during the game. Teams should not share any snacks or food. Parents and coaches should not organize any team snack time after games.


Managers and coaches should use extra caution to space out practices; do not show up early if there is a practice beforehand and do not leave late if there is one afterwards.

  • Parents are encouraged to either watch from a distance or from their car.
  • Team practice equipment will be sanitized following each practice.



Families will arrive no earlier than their designated time to arrive.  

  • Families should keep their distance from other families while in the parking areas.
  • No person will sit in the bleachers. Families should bring their own beach chairs or blankets to sit on.
  • APLL board members, team managers, and other volunteers will ask families not connected to a game or practice to leave and not linger.   



Field preparation should be done only by coaches or designated volunteers. Any shared field preparation equipment should be sprayed or wiped with cleaner and disinfectant before each use. Volunteers helping with field equipment must wear masks on the field when handling equipment.

  • Managers should work with their team and the other team’s manager to maintain space during warm-ups.
  • Managers using the cage for pre-game batting practice will need to make sure the players waiting for the cage are separated. 
  • During warmups, players will maintain safe distances (minimum of 6 feet) from coaches and teammates. Coaches should make every effort to pair up players for warmups so as to minimize the number of players throwing the same ball to one another. 
  • Players should place their individual equipment in a well-spaced-out manner for inspection. Umpires should avoid direct contact with equipment where possible but, when required, use hand sanitizer after the inspection of each individual piece of equipment.
  • Managers should not pass paper line-ups pre-game; phone cameras or email should be used. Plate conferences should be done at a distance of 6 feet or more and may be eliminated in the judgment of the umpire.


Each team will be responsible for the game balls used when in the field. At the end of each half inning, players will return the game ball to the pitcher or catcher who will keep it until next half inning. The batting team should refrain from touching the ball. Umpires may inspect the ball but should not be in regular contact. Each team should have at least 3 game balls.

  • Umpires should limit their contact with the ball, and catchers should retrieve foul balls and passed balls where possible.
  • Coaches and players are responsible for retrieving foul balls. 
  • Contact between players should be minimized. Players should refrain from physical contact that does not involve making a play in the field.
  • Balls used in infield/outfield warm-up should be isolated from a shared ball container.
  • Only 2 players are allowed in the dugout at one time (the “on deck” batter and the player “in the hole.”)  Players not in the dugout will sit or stand in designated areas.



There will be no post-game handshakes. Players will be encouraged to stand at a distance to recognize each other’s efforts – through a tip of the hat, applause, and shouts of thank you follow each game. Sportsmanship is important.

  • Managers and coaches will be responsible for clearing out each dugout area, and garbage removed.
  • Post-game conferences will not take place on the field, or in the park where the game took place unless it is the last game of the day. These meetings can be done on-line or during a practice. 
  • Families should promptly leave the park following the game.



Local Sponsors

Alexandria Potomac Little League

1602 Belle View Blvd., #181
Alexandria, Virginia 22307

Email: [email protected]